2015:Project Naked - Chapter 3
Chapter 3 – Lincoln's Inn Fields
Let's rejoin the naked duo we left on Holloway Road that cold January night.

Spring has come early to London. Is it a false warming or the new reality of our seasons? Is March really mad? On the first balmy Saturday afternoon of the year it seemed all the capital's population had spilled onto its streets to find out.
By pure chance in this unseasonable heat, thousands of climate change protesters had gathered at Lincoln's Inn Fields. When they moved away, taking the police with them, it was time for me and my models to step forward and resume our photographic journey.
We had a camera, a cab and an hour in the city – all we needed now was a break in the flow of passers-by. It never came. Still, we couldn't lose this light, so models Louise and Steve simply got naked right there on the pavement. Having missed the bus at Holloway Road they made first for the taxi rank.

From outside the Great Hall at Lincoln's Inn we went to the Royal Courts of Justice and stepped out lightly to make a phone call. The classic red telephone box was irresistible. Then returning to the cab we hit the road once more, still trying to find a space free of crowds, but without success. We drove on and on...

...who knows where that road might lead us next?